ThinkerToys: Such a cool book!

Every time I go to Barns & Nobles I spend more money than I intend to! But, and its a HUGE BUT, I always feel it’s totally worth it.  I bought a cool book called THINKERTOYS by Michael Michalko, it has great ideas to inspire creativity and creative thinking (possibly one and the same).  It ties into the theme I have been posting on the past few weeks (give or take a day or two), which is making positive changes.  The first chapter of delves into addressing our fears, which is the killer of creativity. I got so excited about it, that I took to Facebook right away! Here is what I posted.

Doubts, Uncertainties, Fears:

So many times we let our doubts, uncertainties and fears affect our creativity, our drive for success.

To change this we need to transform our negative thoughts in to new and positive attitudes. The following are ways to do so:

1. Acknowledge your negative feelings then focus your energy on what you wish to substitute them for. Never take counsel from your fears. If you feel you are not good enough acknowledge it and then, affirm yourself that you are good enough!

2. Increase your Self Affirmation. Make a habit of remembering your successes, your good qualities and characteristics, while forgetting your failures. Remember, success breeds success! This practice will cause you to experience even more successes. Record the things you like about yourself, in all areas of your life, they will motivate you to get going!

3. Imagine yourself as successful (at whatever it is you choose to be) Picture yourself vividly achieving your goals, and that in itself will greatly contribute to your success. You must affirm that you believe it to be true.

Try this exercise:

Write a statement of affirmation, then write it 20 different ways using first, second and third persons. As you write, you may have negative thoughts come up, write them down on another sheet, and continue to write your positive affirmations. Once complete, look at the negative thoughts you wrote, they represent your obstacles, negate them by writing positive affirmations that specifically address those obstacles.

PS: I think you are fully capable of realizing any goal you set for yourself!