Do Life Big!

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I often tend to underestimate the power of positive thought and attitude, to the point where I think its almost ridiculous.  Its so hard when reality is filled with negative things that we so readily identify with, why? because our minds have been trained that way since antiquity.  We learn through negative experiences, we easily remember something bad than we do something good.

We have to get over that negative hump, which requires a whole lot of positive thinking and emotions if we want to do life big.

I write my blogs to help me remember to be positive and DO LIFE BIG

Open Doors: It Just Feels Right

Let me talk to you about “open doors” for a minute or 10.  When I first got to Hunter Army Airfield, I knew I wanted to be a company executive officer (XO), but I was given a platoon leader (PL) position which is a key development (KD) position for most officers.  I was a little uncertain, and a little intimidated as the PL though I tried to hide it.  But sooner than later I came into my own as a leader. I also observed somethings that I allowed to turn off my passion and drive, this was obviously to my detriment.  I should have remained vigilent to the end, even so, my evaluation was not terrible or even bad.  But I know my potential and its MUCH better than I allowed myself to recieve.  I began fasting for an XO position back in March of this year, I did two 40 day fasts, and simply forgotten and given up hope.  I got my first evaluation which was pretty good, and then, I felt a strong “urge” to let my commander know that since I have been already rated for PL time, which is KD then I would like to open up my position to any new lieutenant (LT) in the battalion who needed KD time.  As I made that offer, the battalion commander was talking with another young, talented LT about what jobs he wanted, and my job (maintenance PL) was the one.  Somewhere along the line I had a change of heart and I wanted to keep my platoon, but God had other plans, namely, answering the prayer/fast I made back in March.  So, after about 30 days of foot dragging, the switch was made, and I was assigned to the “dracula’s castle” aka the battalion headquarters as the assistant S4.  I vehemently protested going to S4, and  as God would have it, we had a  month long field problem, and that is when God decided it was time to make his move.  Division had a requirement for four LT’s to fill XO positions, and all the brigades had to submit names, I was selected above four other LTs in my Brigade, and I was one of four LTs selected throughout the Division.  I did my interview and I aced it! Caveat: my battalion XO said I probably would not even get the job (ha! it is not what you know, but who you know amen).  I prayed  just before the interview and I prayed after, I had to wait about 30 days to hear personally from the BN CDR, and during the 30 day wait I became discouraged.  So I started another 40 day fast, and that is when claimed it! I told God, you gave me this job, give me faith to hold on and be patient.  I had peace, and it was the day before my birthday that I got the call.  Everything just felt right, based on the turn of events, I can only conclude that God opended  the doors.  I suspect that nothing will be easy, but if He brought me to it, He will see me through it.

“Take Us To Tomorrow”

eep and the light

I loved the theme behind to movie “The Croods”.   Follow your dreams, light your way, follow the sun! All are simple and amazing mantras that we never get tired of hearing or nor applying to our lives.  They have been true since the beginning of time.

eep and the light2

You and I are the Masters of our destinies, I have observed my eldest brother all my life, and I must admit that he is an inspiration to me.  He has not had the easiest life, but through it all, he has never lost sight of his dreams, his passion.  I admire him for his adaptability in tough times, the fact that he never blames society or anyone else for his position, but he continues to “shine” his way.

the croods 2

The theme song for the movie, entitled “Shine Your Way”  has a message of hope.  Hope is the one feeling, the one emotion that keeps us going day to day.  Hope for tomorrow, my favorite verse in the song states “all of your tears will dry faster in the sun, starting today”, is actually a call to action.  It is telling you to stop feeling sorry for yourself and look to the future, your failure today is not enough to keep you from tomorrow.

the croods

We all must shine our way, especially when its dark and you have no clue what to do or where to go.  My advice, point your compass toward the sun, and take yourself to TOMORROW.  Here is to hope for the future.
