Defeated, Never!

For the past two daysthe “devil” has been trying to make me feel defeated.  I have been worrying a bit too much about my new job (which I have not started yet), worried that I won’t be good enough, that I am not smart enough or capable.  I noticed that my self talk has been negative.

But in all this, I have a choice! And this morning as I woke up I said to God, I am not defeated, I have no reason to worry, I will cast all my cares on you, because you care for me.  I believe I got this job through divine intervention, and I will do my utmost to be my best at it.

I got a second chance at quiet a few things, God is showing me my areas of weakness, small things about me that are not in tune with his will.  And I will have to fix it immediately. But these kinks in my life are not showing failure, but ways to improve and become better at life.

I am not defeated, I will no longer be worried, I will only do my utmost to bring glory to God.