Follow Through: Motivation vs Action

That Thing


“I got so much things to say right now, I got so much things to say”, that’s the Ziggy Marley song dancing precariously in my head right now.  Today, I feel so content and happy, but my mind is so busy, and yet I am used to it now.  In the maddening tornado of randomly strung together thoughts swirling in my cranium, I manage to pluck out the “important” thoughts, things that are priority and need to be addressed near term or now. Imagine if you will, Dorothy with a butterfly net trying to catch beautiful sapphire butterflies while being tossed violently around in (what else but…) the perpetual tornado that lands her in Oz.  That’s my mind every day.  Everyday I fight to make sense out of nonsense, sometimes its easier than others.

So, it’s not that you aren’t motivated to get something done, it’s that you are…

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What To Do With Disappoinment


I have started a quest for excellence long before I even thought of documenting it.  I never believed in the potential I had deep inside.  How can this be? My mind kept telling me I could be great, I didn’t have what it took.  And boy was I wrong!  In the awesome little book “Who Moved My Cheese” ? By Spencer Johnson, one of the characters named Haw wrote on the wall “what would you do if you were not afraid”?


Fear is what keeps us caged! (you can quote me on that ;)).  I got my evaluation from my commander who is my rater (the write up was not bad at all) but my battalion commander (senior rater) write up was not good, in fact, it was bland (which is what makes it bad).  At any rate, I went from being a top not performer to not even being enumerated on my evaluation (is it really that bad? I don’t think so, I am sure there is some bias involved).


I am disappointed, because I know what I have inside, but I also know that I did not do my best this time around.  What does this mean to me?  It means that this OER is my wake up call! It means I turned into a wimp! I let my situation dictate what I was going to be and do! That is the WRONG DAMN ANSWER! And that is what gave my senior rater the “permission” to write crap about me.  It put a fire under my butt!


So, what do I do with disappointment? I make it motivate me to GREATNESS! What do you do with disappointment?
