Open Doors: It Just Feels Right

Let me talk to you about “open doors” for a minute or 10.  When I first got to Hunter Army Airfield, I knew I wanted to be a company executive officer (XO), but I was given a platoon leader (PL) position which is a key development (KD) position for most officers.  I was a little uncertain, and a little intimidated as the PL though I tried to hide it.  But sooner than later I came into my own as a leader. I also observed somethings that I allowed to turn off my passion and drive, this was obviously to my detriment.  I should have remained vigilent to the end, even so, my evaluation was not terrible or even bad.  But I know my potential and its MUCH better than I allowed myself to recieve.  I began fasting for an XO position back in March of this year, I did two 40 day fasts, and simply forgotten and given up hope.  I got my first evaluation which was pretty good, and then, I felt a strong “urge” to let my commander know that since I have been already rated for PL time, which is KD then I would like to open up my position to any new lieutenant (LT) in the battalion who needed KD time.  As I made that offer, the battalion commander was talking with another young, talented LT about what jobs he wanted, and my job (maintenance PL) was the one.  Somewhere along the line I had a change of heart and I wanted to keep my platoon, but God had other plans, namely, answering the prayer/fast I made back in March.  So, after about 30 days of foot dragging, the switch was made, and I was assigned to the “dracula’s castle” aka the battalion headquarters as the assistant S4.  I vehemently protested going to S4, and  as God would have it, we had a  month long field problem, and that is when God decided it was time to make his move.  Division had a requirement for four LT’s to fill XO positions, and all the brigades had to submit names, I was selected above four other LTs in my Brigade, and I was one of four LTs selected throughout the Division.  I did my interview and I aced it! Caveat: my battalion XO said I probably would not even get the job (ha! it is not what you know, but who you know amen).  I prayed  just before the interview and I prayed after, I had to wait about 30 days to hear personally from the BN CDR, and during the 30 day wait I became discouraged.  So I started another 40 day fast, and that is when claimed it! I told God, you gave me this job, give me faith to hold on and be patient.  I had peace, and it was the day before my birthday that I got the call.  Everything just felt right, based on the turn of events, I can only conclude that God opended  the doors.  I suspect that nothing will be easy, but if He brought me to it, He will see me through it.

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