The Bright Spot in a Dim Room Part 1


The idea of daunting tasks in which we find our self clueless as to which way to turn, or even what to do, let alone where to begin, is down right frightening! (Kinda like Friday The Thirteenth,  I want to run but I am frozen with fear).  It makes moving forward with anything  damn near impossible, but it really does not have to be . Ask me why!  Go ahead, ask me, (Why?) Ok I will tell you.  It doesn’t have to be difficult because someone else has already done it.  You have heard the saying, don’t reinvent the wheel, correct? Well, a similar concept is presented in my new favorite book Switch.

“Find the Bright Spot” is the title of the second chapter of the book.  We are admonished to look for bright spots worth emulating.  Well let me inform you, that looking for bright spots takes a little research, but if your bright  spot is in a dimly lit room, you will find faster than the road runner can say “meep meep” and take of running!

I personally prefer the concept of not reinventing the wheel (though it is really all semantics), you locate the wheel, and customize it to your needs. Ladies and gentlemen, we know that as old as this earth is, nothing is unique as far as situations go and the solutions we find for solving them.

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